
Every Sunday I exercise with a group of people in a small park for two hours. Those two hours are very important to me because this is my weekly exercise. My colleague and I observed that I am slimmer than before since I started exercising. I'm happy to be slimmer. However, I will need to buy smaller T-shirts.


Everyone likes to have cold drinks and ice-create in hot summer. However, cold drink is not good for stomach according to Chinese herbal doctors. I was told by a Chinese herbal doctor, "If you are hot, it is because your heart is very hot but not your stomach. Cold drinks in stomach hurts it." Therefore, I struggled to avoid eating cold food in summer. It was very hard but I did it.


Life is patient, stress, struggle, fail & success, love, friends, work, fun, lovely, $$$, lucky, hope, health, pretty, etc.

What is your definition of "life"?

Handmade art

Recently I am looking for a course of doll knitting. I did some research online and got below blogs and websites:

La Belle Epoque

Libby La Soup's Workshop
MeGun の 綿果子小屋


奇織 Amazing Knit

Fish Finger

You can see handmade products from their websites. Their products are so cute and lovely. They also provide a few courses for people who interested handmade products.

Back to blog

I decide to back to this blog xcos I want to leave something in my life and improve my 2nd language again.

I am so pleased Mir gives me so much support!