Meyer Lemon檸檬橙




One day I wanted to make lemonade so I took a lemon from a fridge. When I was drinking the lemonade, I felt uncomfortable. Something wrong but I did not know what that was. Next day I discovered “real” lemons in the fridge. So what was the “stuff” yesterday? Not lemon and orange. That might be someone said a “lemon-orange”.
If you are looking at the first photo, you can see the lemon has a tail. Something different on the second photo but I didn’t know how to say that. I though it might have a term of “lemon-orange”. Larry asked me to find the answer on Wikipedia. Below that might be the answer.

有可能是Meyer Lemon

The Meyer Lemon (Citrus x Meyeri) is originally from China and thought to be a cross between a true lemon and a mandarin orange

Meyer Lemon.Wikipedia.

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