食粽子 Dumpling of Dragon Boat Festival


而 是我媽媽從去年開始,已經在念莎莎的媽包的粽子很好吃.她不止念一次,是每次說起吃都重複:”啊~莎莎媽媽包的紅豆粽很好吃,就是去年妳不在,所以莎莎 都沒有拿粽子給我們”.沒錯,她就是這樣念了一年.而且她還怕我忘記,久不久就碎碎念一次,以確保你還記得莎莎媽的紅豆粽非常美味的.老實說~我沒有吃過 莎莎媽的粽子(莎莎媽,真的很抱歉~),因為我媽媽一拿到手,就當寶一樣的放到冷凍櫃.然後,就慢慢的吃.我突然想到Charlie and the Chocolate Factory男主角,他家裡很窮,所以每年生日收到巧克力條都會分開很多份慢慢吃.我媽就有點像他.

我媽當然說我 不吃粽子,我的胃是不太能吃粽子,月餅,年糕之類的東西,可是吃一口總可以吧~我媽對自己很喜歡吃的食物,都會收起來,讓你自己會忘了它的存 在,然後某一天就消失在我們家中.有一次我姐和她去了一間高級超巿買了意大利麵,沒多久我姐就想煮來吃,可是沒有找到,所以就問我媽,我媽就說不知道放那 裡了.又過了一陣子,我姐又說起那包意大利麵,我媽就說那包意大利麵非常好吃.明明就是她吃了嘛~

至於紅豆粽子事件,卻是不是單一事件. 當年小女子還在念書時候,好不容易等到回家的一天,剛好看到了紅豆年糕(怎麼又是紅豆),買了回家給媽.她高興了一 整個年假.每逢有客人來,她必定會煎幾片給客人吃(幾片,是因為那塊年糕很小).第二年回家,還離新年有一段時間,所以沒有等到年糕出現就回家(我還記得 我有去問店員怎麼還沒有年糕賣,她說太早了~)媽媽嘴裏說沒有關係,可是她就念了一整個寒假.


Today is Dragon Boat Festival. I have waited this day for a long time. Not because I love competition of Dragon Boat or eating dumpling, it’s because my mun loves dumpling too much. More than once time, she said dumpling of SaSa mun was delicious. Because of me, she didn’t taste the great dumpling last year. Hence, she was talking about the dumpling whole year and make sure you remember the dumpling was really really good. When mun got the dumplings, she put it in freezer. Just like actor of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, she treated the dumpling like treasure, only eating them a little bit a time.

Mun told me that I can not have any dumpling because my stomach is not well. I believe she told me that because its an excuse for her to enjoying all the dumplings

Last time my sister asked where the delicious pasta they bought from supermarket. Mun ate paste herself but she didn't want sister know so she said she was no idea. However, mun told her the pasta was delicious when my sister asked her again.

Not only the dumpling, she liked a rice cake for Chinese New Year. When I was still studying, I bought a rice cake for her at Chinese New Year. She was so impressed. Next year I did not buy it to her because that was not the period of Chinese New Year. I could not find it anywhere. I said sorry to her. Although she said she was fine, she mentioned that whole holiday of Chinese New Year.

This year I asked SaSa to give me some dumplings. That was great she remembered it and gave some to my sister. My mun guessed sister would put them in freeze. Then she could taste them when she goes back. However, my sister said she had thought about how to cook it.

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