澳擬罰拒讓座者Fines for lack of courtesy(Australia)

“COMMUTERS who don't give up their seats to the elderly, sick, pregnant or disabled will be fined under a Victorian plan to get common courtesy back on track.”
Yea~ That was what Director of Public Transport Jim Betts (Australia) said you should give your seat to the elderly, sick, pregnant or disabled. Otherwise, you would face the fine $511. That was the suggestion to government not the real rule in Victoria at the moment. I think this is the polite when you’re sitting in the bus. Is this necessary to make a law? I recognize majority of people are polite in Australia. Sometimes, you might suffer people impolite to you. However, I mostly saw people gave their seats to old people, disabled or women in a train. I doubt whether this fine is effective or not. If you ask bus driver to do it, they would not do it successfully. It is because they are not police and they have to drive and do many things at the same time. Polite is education. That is not the rule or law~
這件事其實我不是沒有想過,但我想也想不到真的會有人提出建議,或許會有政府通過這意見和立法實行. “如果你不讓座給老弱婦孺,你將會面對澳洲維多利亞省政府對你罰款澳幣$511.”這個由公共交通局長所提議的罰款引起關注.
到底”讓座”是一種罰款的準則,是一種必須執行措拖,還是一種禮教?我相信,”讓座”這件事是一種禮貌.所謂的禮貌是你事先自己知道這是要對別人做的事 情,而且是發自內心的自願而做出的,並且是因為你內心對別人忍讓和關心而行動的.現在卻有人提議要立例執行,這種強迫性禮教究竟有多大作用.再者,執行的 不是警察而是司機,可以收到之效用又有多少?

Fines for lack of courtesy Herold Sun By Ashley Gardiner May 19, http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5478,15332604%255E2862,00.html

澳擬罰拒讓座者3000大元 香港Yahoo-明報


jo said...

我就試過棟住支 crutches 企左半個鐘都冇人讓坐, 勁辛苦. 唔知係咪因為我係 chinese 呢, 冇人出聲喎, 感覺十分唔好 :(

gi-lish said...
