Jamie Oliver will win this battle!

You have no idea what I thought after watching "Jamie school dinner". Couldn't imagine he done the best thing in UK. Anyway, somebody might concern their children with school's lunch. But none of them did something. He did what he wanted and tried to do it successfully. I recognized he was famous so he could use his influence to do something. Let's me say something he did not do it smoothly. First he had to change minds of kitchen's ladies, and then school's children and their parents. After that he developed many schools to execute his plan. In the final episode, he discussed wtih government guys, he let's people knew how the school lunchs were important for kids. All kids in UK. He collected about 27, 000 signatures to appeal to government for improving school's lunchs on 30th March, 2005. He will be successful...will be..We are in your way!
Jamie Oliver's webite: http://www.jamieoliver.com/ Please support him~
P.S. BBS News TV chef welcomes £280m meals plan--http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/4391695.stm

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